Life Insurance

Expert Fintech Pvt. Ltd. provides life insurance policy according to your needs as well as very cheap rates as per your convenience. Term Life insurance provides coverage for a fixed period of time at a fixed premium rate. In case of untimely death of the life insured during the policy term. The benefit can be paid out as a lump sum payout or a combination of Lump sum & Monthly payout or only as a Monthly payout.

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Health Insurance

We make Health insurance more affordable for you through various monthly payment options and discounts provided by our Partners. Our Claim specialists will reach you in 30 minutes to support your health insurance claim

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General Insurance

It includes insurance for your property, vehicle, house, building, business or crops. These insurance can be claimed in case of any accident or threat to your property under certain t&c.
Expert Fintech Pvt. Ltd. brings you easy insurance service for all kinds of General Insurance.

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Our Partners

Expert Finserv - Loan Company
Expert Finserv - Loan Company
Expert Finserv - Loan Company
Expert Finserv - Loan Company
Expert Finserv - Loan Company
Expert Finserv - Loan Company
Expert Finserv - Loan Company
Expert Finserv - Loan Company
Expert Finserv - Loan Company
Expert Finserv - Loan Company